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শনিবার, ১৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

One Big Lie


Lance Armstrong telling his story to Oprah Winfrey.

Photo by George Burns/Oprah Winfrey Network via Getty Images

?I view this situation as one big lie that I repeated a lot of times.?

That?s the key line in Lance Armstrong?s interview with Oprah Winfrey. Unable to preserve his initial story?that he never doped?Armstrong is peddling a new story: He doped, he lied about not doping, and that?s all there is to it.

But that?s not all there is to it. The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency?s report on Armstrong, issued three months ago, details numerous incidents in which Armstrong, according to sworn witnesses, pressured, threatened, or intimidated others. Among them:

1. In 2002, according to Armstrong?s ex-teammate, Christian Vande Velde,

Armstrong told Vande Velde that if he wanted to continue to ride for the Postal Service team he ?would have to use what Dr. [Michele] Ferrari had been telling [Vande Velde] to use and would have to follow Dr. Ferrari?s program to the letter.? Vande Velde said, ?[t]he conversation left me with no question that I was in the doghouse and that the only way forward with Armstrong?s team was to get fully on Dr. Ferrari?s doping program.?

2. At the 2004 Tour de France, after cyclist Filippo Simeoni testified against Dr. Ferrari,

Armstrong rode [Simeoni] down and threatened [that] if Simeoni did not return to the peloton Lance Armstrong would stay with the break and doom it to failure ? As Simeoni and Armstrong fell back to the peloton, Armstrong verbally berated Simeoni for testifying in the Ferrari case, saying, ?You made a mistake when you testified against Ferrari and you made a mistake when you sued me. I have a lot of time and money and I can destroy you.? Armstrong was captured on video making a ?zip the lips? gesture which underscored what Armstrong had just said to Simeoni about how Simeoni should not have testified against Dr. Ferrari.

3. In 2005, after fellow riders Jonathan Vaughters and Frankie Andreu

exchanged text messages in which they discussed doping on the U.S. Postal Service team, Mr. Vaughters? texts became an exhibit in [a court] proceeding. ? Since that time, Mr. Vaughters? employer, Slipstream Sports, has received several phone calls from Mr. Armstrong suggesting that Mr. Vaughters should be removed from the management of Slipstream Sports.

4. According to Armstrong?s former teammate, Tyler Hamilton,

after Mr. Hamilton had testified about Mr. Armstrong?s doping and after Mr. Hamilton?s cooperation with federal law enforcement officials had been publicly reported, on June 11, 2011, Mr. Hamilton was physically accosted by Mr. Armstrong in an Aspen, Colorado restaurant. ? Mr. Armstrong said, ?When you?re on the witness stand, we are going to fucking tear you apart. You are going to look like a fucking idiot.? ? ?I?m going to make your life a living ? fucking ? hell.?

In his interview with Winfrey, Armstrong categorically denied that any riders had been pressured to dope: ?The idea that anybody was forced or pressured or encouraged is not true.? When Winfrey asked Armstrong whether he had been the real boss of his team, he replied evasively: ?Well, I was the top rider. I was the leader of the team. I wasn?t the manager, the general manager, the director.? He went on: ?There was never a direct order, or a directive to say, ?You have to do this if you want to do the Tour, if you want to be on the team.? That never happened. It was a competitive time. We were all grown men. We all made our choices.?

Winfrey asked Armstrong about Vande Velde?s claim ?that you threatened to kick him off the team if he didn?t shape up and conform to the doping program.? Armstrong shot back, ?That?s not true.? Instead, Armstrong softened the story into a matter of setting the wrong example: ?But even if I don?t say it, if I do it, and I?m the leader of the team, you?re leading by example, so that?s a problem.? With this maneuver?deflection disguised as contrition?Armstrong reduced the charge of coercion to a plea of doping. He pointed out ?the difference between that and saying, ?You have to do this if you want to do the Tour or stay on this team.? ? I view one of them as a verbal pressure, as a directive. And that didn?t exist.?

Armstrong couldn?t deny all the lawsuits he had filed and all the times he'd accused people of lying. So he attributed these intimidation tactics to fear, a rough childhood, and his cancer. He had vilified witnesses who told the truth because he saw them ?as a friend turning on you.? He had attacked any threat because when he was a kid, his family ?felt like we had our backs against the wall.? And, tragically, ?my diagnosis ? turned me into a person? who was resolved to ?win at all costs,? since cancer compels you to ?do anything I have to do to survive. ? And I took that attitude, that ruthless and relentless and win-at-all costs attitude, and I took it right into cycling.?

That seems to be the game plan Armstrong brought to this interview. Downplay your power over others. Deny issuing explicit orders to dope. Convert any such story into a matter of setting a poor example. ?Take responsibility for yourself, but suggest that others?those who claim you pressured them?must do the same. Recast your threats, retributions, and demands for silence as products of a hard life. Reduce your sins of coercion to a sin of deceit. When Winfrey asked Armstrong ?what made you a bully,? he answered: ?Just trying to perpetuate the story and hide the truth.?

That?s Armstrong?s message: Everything he did, no matter how domineering, menacing, or manipulative, was a desperate effort to protect a single lie. ?I tried to control the narrative,? he says. And he?s still trying to control the narrative. Which is a good reason not to believe it.

William Saletan's latest short takes on the news, via Twitter:

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=e968d6d13ae87ef3c04e537de02facf0

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Obama begins second term with 51 percent approval: Poll

President Barack Obama (Carolyn Kaster/AP)President Barack Obama embarks on his second term with half the nation giving him a good performance review, according to a New York Times/CBS News poll released on Friday.

Fifty-one percent of Americans surveyed Jan. 11-15 approve of how Obama is handling his job, the poll said. Forty-one percent disapprove.

The Times' Marjorie Connelly notes in her analysis that Obama's approval rating is similar to the one held by former President George W. Bush at the start of his second term, but far below ratings garnered by former President Bill Clinton (60 percent) and former President Ronald Reagan (62 percent) at the beginning of their second terms.

The "fiscal cliff" negotiations didn't alter public opinion of the president's ability to handle the economy, the poll said. Forty-six percent of adults surveyed said they approve of the president's ability to handle the economy and 49 percent disapprove.

The poll's margin of error was plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/obama-begins-second-term-51-percent-approval-poll-131220929--election.html

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How did the 'state of Ontario' produce an American president?

President Obama begins his second term this weekend, but the Toronto Star prefers to remember a past inauguration.

Mitch Potter of the Star's Washington bureau has gotten his hands on the official program of the 1901 U.S. presidential inauguration. His attention was drawn to a futuristic article that envisioned the 2001 inauguration of President ?George McKinley Barrington of the State of Ontario.?

Writes Potter: "How Canada and the rest of the Americas actually came to join the United States, whether by choice or force, is left unclear."

Click here to see the original article from 1901.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/vertical_15/~3/nUjT9nj0v4o/how-did-the-state-of-ontario-produce.html

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শুক্রবার, ১৮ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Out of Legal Options, Alabama Files Petition at Supreme Court ...

shutterstock_71037988Nearly five months ago, a federal appeals court in Atlanta issued a set of opinions that invalidated numerous provisions of Alabama HB 56, the most pernicious state immigration law in the country. After Alabama asked the full court to reconsider its rulings, the active judges unanimously rejected its request. Out of other legal options, the state filed a petition with the Supreme Court on Wednesday seeking to revive some (though not all) of the invalidated provisions. While the odds remain small that the Justices will take up the case, granting the petition could set up another legal showdown similar to the case over Arizona SB 1070.

With federal lawmakers now poised to finally tackle immigration reform, Alabama?s petition will serve only as an unwanted distraction.

The petition filed on Wednesday asks the Court to consider the legality of three distinct but related provisions of HB 56: one which criminalizes the harboring of immigrants who are unlawfully present; one which criminalizes the transportation of immigrants who are unlawfully present; and one which criminalizes encouraging unlawfully present immigrants to enter the state. In striking down these provisions, the Atlanta-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit found that each conflicted with, and was therefore ?preempted? by, federal immigration law?the same legal theory the Supreme Court used to strike down three provisions of SB 1070.

Because of the staggered way in which the Eleventh Circuit resolved the cases, however, Wednesday?s petition deals only with provisions struck down in the suit brought by the Department of Justice. As of today, the state has more than a month left to challenge the ruling in the separate case brought by civil and immigrants? rights groups, which struck down the notorious provision requiring school administrators to determine the immigration status of students at the time of enrollment.

Of additional importance, Wednesday?s petition did not challenge the invalidation of numerous other provisions struck down by the Eleventh Circuit. For example, Alabama declined to defend provisions of HB 56 that would have made entering a rental agreement itself a form of ?harboring,? and which would have barred courts from enforcing most contracts with immigrants who are unlawfully present. By failing to challenge these aspects of the Eleventh Circuit?s ruling, Alabama has effectively abandoned its legal defense of the provisions.

Filing the petition is just the first step, however. The Justice Department has until late February to respond, but it could very well receive at least one extension. Moreover, if Alabama files a second petition in the suit brought by civil rights groups, the Court would likely wait until each case is briefed and consider both at once. Under either scenario, it is possible that the Justices won?t make a decision before they recess for the summer?in which case an announcement would not come until the end of September at the earliest.

Whatever the Justices decide, Alabama?s mere filing of the petition is itself a disappointing development. When Arizona filed its original petition in the SB 1070 case, it could at least claim that Congress was abdicating its responsibility to fix our nation?s immigration system. But with federal lawmakers now poised to finally tackle immigration reform, Alabama?s petition will serve only as an unwanted distraction. The Supreme Court made clear that the federal government?and the federal government alone?is responsible for determining the nation?s immigration policy. Now that Congress is set to take up the issue, Alabama should let federal lawmakers do their job.

Source: http://immigrationimpact.com/2013/01/17/out-of-legal-options-alabama-files-petition-at-supreme-court/

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Mind Mapping for an Easier Life | Personal Development | Self ...


Mind Mapping for an Easier Life

Everyday, you have to deal with a lot of information. If you don?t gather or catalog them, the loads of information will be meaningless. Even if you try to sort out all the pieces of information, you will find it quite hard. There are lots of information resources such as books, magazines, abstracts, websites, and even multimedia sources (CDs, DVDs, and video tapes. If you want to have an easier life, try to make use of mind mapping.

Is it really possible to assimilate the loads of info you gather everyday? That would be possible through mind mapping. Through mind maps, you can easily organize all the pieces of info in such a way that it all makes perfect sense.

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If you try to browse the internet, you will notice that there are lots of software programs that businesses and even individuals can make use. Some of the software is free and you can just download them but more complicated mind mapping software is available at a reasonable price.

Brainstorming in the office is usual and with the introduction of the mind mapping tools, the task has become much easier. New possibilities pop up because the brainstorming participants are quite enthusiastic during their sessions.

Time management is also an issue in most companies and so companies are finding out ways to make use of mind mapping for efficient time management.

Mind mapping is not only utilized by companies but also by ordinary individuals. Simple sketches, drawings, and lines can already create mind maps and perhaps you?re doing that too; unknowingly, you?re creating mind maps to solve some of your problems.

If you plan to write a book, you can also utilize mind mapping. You see, it will be easier to get an overview of some interesting topics through the mind maps. Choose your main topic and then put inside the circle at the middle of the blank page. New topic ideas can branch out from the main topic to create sub topics.

Don?t collect your new ideas and information in textual form. Instead, try to jot them down in a simple yet comprehensible mind map. Soon you will notice that your mind is more stimulated and you can even recall all your new ideas without difficulty. With just a glance, you can already understand what it is all about.

Try creating mind maps now and make your life much easier.

For visual mapping, outlining, writing and making presentations, use Inspiration? 9, the ultimate thinking and learning tool. Brainstorm ideas, structure your thoughts and visually communicate concepts to strengthen understanding with the Diagram and Map Views.

Jackie is a writer and has a great interest in health and mental health issues.

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Source: http://idiotguru.com/mind-mapping-for-an-easier-life/

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Portland VA Medical Center seeks Fisher House for Vancouver ...

After Bernadette Murray's husband was wounded in Iraq, she couldn't afford to stay in a motel near Joint Base Lewis-McChord outside Tacoma while he received treatment at Madigan Army Medical Center.

However, thanks to the Fisher House Foundation, Murray and her two children traveled from their home, then in St. Helens, to visit Spec. Matthew Murray for nearly a week without paying for lodging.

They stayed in the base's Fisher House, a "home away from home" for families of patients at military and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers. New York philanthropists Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher? began the program in 1990.

Fisher House

What: A "home away from home" for families of patients at military and Veterans Affairs medical centers.

Where: The Vancouver campus of the Portland VA Medical Center

Now the Fisher House Foundation and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs have identified the Portland VA Medical Center, which includes a Vancouver campus, as a good site for a Fisher House, said Shaun Benson, the local VA chief of volunteer services. The available land is at the Vancouver site, but frequent shuttle service connects it to the Portland hospital, Benson said.

About a year ago, the Department of Veterans Affairs invited interested medical centers to submit requests for a Fisher House, Benson said. Each center provided information including number of people treated, medical specialties and the area from which it draws patients. For Portland-Vancouver, Benson said, that includes Oregon, southern and eastern Washington, Alaska and, sometimes, the Midwest for patients who need organ transplants.

Veterans Affairs and the Fisher House Foundation accepted Portland-Vancouver's bid. Now a local volunteer board must raise about $1.5 million to match the funding that the foundation is providing, Benson said. As a federal agency, the VA cannot collect money for the foundation, he said. When the money is raised, the foundation will oversee construction. The VA will staff the home, but volunteers will assist in its operation.

The foundation will determine the size of the house, based on the number of patients and kinds of treatments typically offered, he said. Houses usually are designed for 12 or 22 families. They have common kitchens and living rooms but private bedrooms and bathrooms.

"It was like a really nice hotel," Murray said of her Fisher House stay in 2009, before her family relocated to La Grande. The children enjoyed baskets of toys, a playground and other activities, she said.

"I hope other families get the same opportunity I had," she said. "If I hadn't had that opportunity, I wouldn't have been able to be with my husband when he came home. For me, that was awesome."

Tina Kaiser of Camas almost stayed in a Fisher House in 2006 when her husband, Staff Sgt. John Kaiser, arrived at what was then known as Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. However, casualties from Iraq were so numerous at the time, she said, that the house was full and she was given a hotel room near the Fisher House.

She is a supporter of the program, however, as a member of the Camas post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. She and other post members regularly deliver household and personal hygiene items requested by guests at the Fisher House near Lewis-McChord. She also is backing the effort for a Portland-Vancouver house.

"This is the best way you can support the troops," Kaiser said. "It permits them to be with family. They heal so much better and so much faster if they can be around their families."

Source: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2013/01/portland_va_medical_center_see.html

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Florida debit card firms to stop misleading claims

Five Florida debit card companies have agreed to stop making misleading claims in a first-of-its-kind settlement with the state.

Attorney General Pam Bondi's office announced the agreement Wednesday.

The settlement prohibits the companies from making misleading claims about the ability of prepaid debit cards to build positive credit history.

It also requires them to provide clear and conspicuous notices of fees. They've agreed as well to pay $115,000 to the Central Florida Chapter of Junior Achievement.

The companies are Account Now Inc., First Data Corp., Green Dot Corp., Net Spend Corp. and Unirush LLC.

The settlement followed an investigation that was triggered by consumer complaints.

Source: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/01/17/3186681/florida-debit-card-firms-to-stop.html

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৭ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

What Is an Assault Weapon?

For years, a debate has raged over the role of assault weapons in a nation where the "right to keep and bear arms" is enshrined in the Constitution. But what exactly is an assault weapon?

The weapons have come to the forefront with President Barack Obama's gun control proposals, including a push for a renewed assault weapons ban and for a ban on high-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

Though politicians and gun enthusiasts each have their own definition of what is and isn't an assault weapon, a useful framework for the debate was written into law in 1994, when the Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) was enacted during the Clinton administration.

That law, according to Mike Cooper on PolicyMic.com, defined an assault weapon as "any semiautomatic rifle with a detachable magazine and at least two of the following five items: a folding or telescopic stock; a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon; a bayonet mount; a flash suppressor or threaded barrel (a barrel that can accommodate a flash suppressor); or a grenade launcher."

That definition, however, raises about as many questions as it answers. For example, how does having a bayonet mount (but not an actual bayonet) turn a rifle into an assault rifle? And outside of Civil War re-enactments, who actually still uses a bayonet? [10 Major Innovations That Revolutionized Combat]

"Yes, they still make them," Cooper wrote. "In a desperate wartime situation, a bayonet gives you something somewhat more effective than a raised middle finger when you've run out of bullets." But labeling a rifle an assault weapon because it has a metal clip where one might potentially mount a bayonet is "circular reasoning," Cooper wrote.

One significant problem with the particulars of legal definitions, said John Sweeney of DelawareOnline.com, is that gun manufacturers easily slipped through the loopholes in the AWB by removing any features that defined a rifle as an assault weapon.

"The definition of the assault weapon in that [AWB] legislation had so many extras ? bayonet mount, for example ? that simply by making a few superficial changes, the basic AR-15 [semiautomatic rifle] was no longer an assault weapon," Sweeney wrote.

As flawed as the AWB definition of assault weapons may be, the wording has found its way into many state codes, including that of Connecticut, site of the December Newtown school shootings. "The AR-15 that [shooter] Adam Lanza used was a legal weapon under Connecticut law," wrote Sweeney.?

Another point of contention in the gun control debate is the use of magazine clips that hold ammunition. The Connecticut definition of "assault weapon" includes semiautomatic pistols with "an ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip." While many states have no such restrictions on magazine clips, other states place a limit on the number of rounds a weapon's magazine can hold. (States can create their own definitions of what makes an assault weapon, but that definition can't be weaker than the federal one.)

Despite the vagaries of state and federal laws, there is some common ground among gun rights' activists and gun control advocates. Fully automatic weapons like machine guns, which continue to fire bullets as long as the trigger is pulled, are legal to own but are tightly regulated by the federal government, according to Slate.com. Many states have regulations that are stricter, or have outright bans on automatic weapons.

It's the definition of semiautomatic weapons, which fire a bullet each time the trigger is pulled, that sets off sparks in the gun control debate. Most firearms available today, including small handguns, rifles and pistols, are semiautomatic, according to Slate.com.

The FN Five-seven handgun that was used in the 2009 shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, was a semiautomatic weapon capable of shooting 20 rounds in just 5.3 seconds. And the Glock 19 that Jared Loughner used to shoot Gabrielle Giffords and kill six people in Tucson, Ariz., in 2011 was a semiautomatic handgun, reports Slate.com.

Both of those handguns, however, were perfectly legal even under the AWB, which expired in 2004.

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Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/assault-weapon-161517546.html

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Delight as Lytchett Matravers recreation ground gets ?60,000 ...

?A DORSET village is celebrating after being given a ?60,000 grant to carry out major drainage work on its recreation ground.

The field at Lytchett Matravers is home to the Lytchett Red Triangle Football Club and Youth Football Club, as well a popular Saturday morning soccer school for boys and girls.

But in winter months, matches regularly have to be cancelled because of waterlogging. The soccer school has also suffered, with some youngsters giving up because of the frequency with which training has had to be called off.

The funding boost from SITA Trust will allow around half of the necessary work to be carried out at the ground.

Steve Reid, chairman of the Lytchett Matravers Sports club, said: ?This project is a great boost for the local community, including youth and senior football teams.?

Club secretary Peter Ashton explained that another ?30,000 would be needed to complete the improvements.

?The ground is used by hundreds of youngsters,?? he said.

?Between November and February, because the pitches are so wet, we can?t run the soccer school.

?The children then lose interest and we lose a bit of revenue.? Jools Granville of SITA Trust said: ?The community of Lytchett Matravers has been fundraising for a number of years to turn their dream of a decent football pitch that meets the rigours of our English weather into a reality.

?We?re delighted that our support is enabling them to finally move forward with this project.

?We hope that this work will enable people to enjoy the facility for years to come and look forward to seeing the teams in action in the very near future.?

SITA Trust provides funding for projects that enhance communities and enrich nature through the Landfill Communities Fund.

Credit: Bournemouth Echo
Original Article: http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/districts/poole/10156246.Delight_as_Lytchett_Matravers_recreation_ground_gets___60_000/

January 17th, 2013

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Grounding of 787s adds to scrutiny of new plane

In this photo taken by a passenger and distributed by Japan's Kyodo News, passengers leave an All Nippon Airways Boeing 787 after it made an emergency landing at Takamatsu airport in Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, western Japan, Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. ANA said a cockpit message showed battery problems and a burning smell was detected in the cockpit and the cabin, forcing the 787 on a domestic flight to land at the airport. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

In this photo taken by a passenger and distributed by Japan's Kyodo News, passengers leave an All Nippon Airways Boeing 787 after it made an emergency landing at Takamatsu airport in Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, western Japan, Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. ANA said a cockpit message showed battery problems and a burning smell was detected in the cockpit and the cabin, forcing the 787 on a domestic flight to land at the airport. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

An All Nippon Airways flight sits at Takamatsu airport in Takamatsu, western Japan after it made an emergency landing Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. The flight to Tokyo from Ube in western Japan landed at the airport after a cockpit message showed battery problems, in the latest trouble for the Boeing 787 ?Dreamliner.? (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

An All Nippon Airways flight sits at Takamatsu airport in Takamatsu, western Japan after it made an emergency landing Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. The flight to Tokyo from Ube in western Japan landed at the airport after a cockpit message showed battery problems, in the latest trouble for the Boeing 787 ?Dreamliner.? (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

An All Nippon Airways flight sits at Takamatsu airport in Takamatsu, western Japan after it made an emergency landing Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. The flight to Tokyo from Ube in western Japan landed at the airport after a cockpit message showed battery problems, in the latest trouble for the Boeing 787 ?Dreamliner.? (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT, NO LICENSING IN CHINA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA AND FRANCE

An All Nippon Airways flight sits at Takamatsu airport in Takamatsu, western Japan after it made an emergency landing Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. The flight to Tokyo from Ube in western Japan landed at the airport after a cockpit message showed battery problems, in the latest trouble for the Boeing 787 ?Dreamliner.? (AP Photo/Yomiuri Shimbun, Yasufumi Nagao) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT

Boeing's troubles with its newest airplane got worse on Wednesday after an emergency landing prompted Japan's two biggest airlines to ground all their 787s for safety checks.

It was the second fire-related incident in two weeks involving the 787's lithium-ion batteries.

All Nippon Airways said pilots detected a burning smell and received a cockpit message showing battery problems. They made an emergency landing at Takamatsu airport in western Japan, and passengers rode emergency slides off the plane.

ANA said an inspection found leaking electrolyte from the battery and burn marks around it. The lithium ion battery is below and slightly behind the cockpit, and experts have said its electrolyte is flammable.

Japan's transport ministry categorized it as a "serious incident" that could have led to an accident.

The ministry said it received notices from ANA, which operates 17 of the jets, and Japan Airlines, which has seven, that all their 787s would not be flying. The airlines grounded the planes voluntarily. It was unclear how long the Dreamliners would remain grounded.

The two airlines are major customers for the jet.

ANA was especially proud of its 787s. Its executives' business cards and the top of its website read "We fly 1st." Even when the 787 ran late, they expressed confidence in it. ANA got the first one that Boeing delivered in late 2011.

On Wednesday, ANA executives apologized, bowing deeply at a hastily called news conference in Tokyo.

"We are very sorry to have caused passengers and their family members so much concern," said ANA Senior Executive Vice President Osamu Shinobe.

Boeing has delivered 50 of the new 787s so far, so the groundings of 24 planes represents nearly half of the world's fleet of what is meant to be the most technologically advanced plane in the skies.

The 787 relies more than any other modern airliner on electrical signals to help power nearly everything the plane does. It's also the first Boeing plane to use rechargeable lithium ion batteries, which charge faster and weigh less than other airplane batteries. Most of the 787 is made from lightweight composites instead of aluminum.

Boeing said it is aware of the latest incident and is working with ANA and regulators.

Other airlines stuck with the 787. United Airlines checked all six of its 787s overnight and was flying them as scheduled on Wednesday, spokeswoman Christen David said.

LOT Polish Airlines was beginning regular 787 flights between Chicago O'Hare and Warsaw on Wednesday, and it said its plans have not changed.

Its planes are among the later ones built by Boeing, meaning it received "proper modifications which reduce technical problems" seen in the 787s of other airlines, a statement from the airline said. A spokesperson declined to say more about which technical problems had been fixed.

Boeing was already under scrutiny after last week's fire, which was also tied to a lithium-ion battery in a different part of the plane.

On Jan. 7, the battery near the rear of a Japan Airlines 787 burned shortly after the plane landed at Boston Logan and passengers had gotten off. It took firefighters 40 minutes to put it out.

That fire prompted investigations by the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration, and the FAA later said it would review the design and manufacture of the plane, focusing on its electrical systems.

The NTSB said on Wednesday that it is sending an investigator to Japan to join the newest probe.

Other 787s have recently had problems with certain electrical panels on the 787 and fuel leaks.

ANA canceled a domestic flight to Tokyo on Jan. 9 after a computer wrongly indicated there was a problem with the Boeing 787's brakes. Two days later, the carrier reported two new problems with the aircraft ? a minor fuel leak and a cracked windscreen in a cockpit.

The earliest manufactured jets of any new aircraft usually have problems and airlines run higher risks in flying them first, said Brendan Sobie, Singapore-based chief analyst at CAPA-Center for Aviation. Since about half the 787 fleet is in Japan, more problems are cropping up there.

GS Yuasa Corp., the Japanese company that supplies all the lithium ion batteries for the 787, had no comment as the investigation was still ongoing. Thales, which makes the battery charging system, had no immediate comment.

Boeing has said that various technical problems are to be expected in the early days of any aircraft model.

"Boeing is aware of the diversion of a 787 operated by ANA to Takamatsu in western Japan. We will be working with our customer and the appropriate regulatory agencies," Boeing spokesman Marc Birtel said.

United frequent flier Josh Feller said he changed his plans to fly a United 787 from Los Angeles International to Houston next month because of the 787's troubles.

"I've been following the 787 news closely and the latest incident finally spooked me into changing my flight," he said by e-mail. "It's an unnecessary risk and since I was going out of my way to fly the plane in the first place, decided to change flights." He also wanted to avoid any disruptions if United eventually grounds the 787.

Aviation safety expert John Goglia, a former National Transportation Safety Board member, said the ANA pilot made the right decision.

"They were being very prudent in making the emergency landing even though there's been no information released so far that indicates any of these issues are related," he said.

But much remains uncertain about the problems being experienced by the 787, said Masaharu Hirokane, analyst at Nomura Securities Co. in Tokyo.

"You need to ensure safety 100 percent, and then you also have to get people to feel that the jet is 100 percent safe," Hirokane said.


Associated Press Writers Elaine Kurtenbach and Yuri Kageyama in Tokyo, Kelvin Chan in Hong Kong, Scott Mayerowitz in New York and Joan Lowy in Washington contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2013-01-16-Boeing-787%20Woes/id-c9af975d4a514a2bb98284983a420e11

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HTC 'M7' render leaks out


There’s rightfully some excitement online today about a newly leaked render claiming to show what’s next from HTC -- a high-end Android smartphone known by the codename “M7.” The image comes from UnwiredView via @evleaks, which has a good track record of bringing leaked images like this into public view.

The shot seems to show the front face of a phone with rounded corners, the standard assortment of ports and sensors, and an unusual front-facing speaker setup -- or an even weirder earpiece and microphone arrangement. It looks more than a little odd. Yes, it looks a lot like an iPhone.

But to understand what’s going on with this render, it’s worth underscoring where it actually came from, and looking briefly at the history surrounding these kinds of leaks. Unlike many leaked renders, it wasn’t created to show of the device to the public and press. Consider these sentences from the original post:

"The render is apparently part of a short animation clip instructing new owners on first-time SIM card installation. However, the lack of branding and other details (distinct screen borders, for instance) suggest that this is not the exact design HTC is expected to debut at next month’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.”

As an early leak, this is great stuff. But it's worth remembering that while this render might well come from an early version of the M7 ROM, it's necessarily not a lock for what the phone will look like. And there's precedent for this sort of thing, where early renders end up looking nothing like what's announced.

Let's have a look back.

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/1TVXHWlXn9Y/story01.htm

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শুক্রবার, ১১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Chinese paper at centre of censorship protests hits newsstands

GUANGZHOU, China | Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:23am EST

GUANGZHOU, China (Reuters) - The latest issue of a Chinese newspaper at the centre of anti-censorship protests appeared on newsstands in Beijing and Shanghai on Thursday as usual, but not its home city Guangzhou.

Several journalists at the Southern Weekly, seen as a beacon of independent and in-depth reporting in China's highly controlled media, had gone on strike on Monday in protest at heavy-handed censorship.

After three days of fraught talks by journalists and local officials, and protests outside the newspaper gates, both sides appeared on Wednesday to have reached a deal.

The newspaper, which is published on Thursdays, was not available in at least six newsstands in Guangzhou, which normally carry the paper. The paper appeared as normal in Beijing, carrying a cover story on the aftermath of a fire in an orphanage in central Henan province.

"It's not coming today," said one newspaper seller in a kiosk near the Southern Weekly's headquarters in Guangzhou. "I don't know why it wasn't delivered," he said, as a stream of early morning commuters bought other newspapers from his stand.

In Shanghai, two sections of the paper were missing -- one focused on a new regulation on land reclamation and the other on "the dramatic changes" in reform.

When asked about the missing Guangzhou copies, a woman called Zhou at the Southern Weekly's distribution office said: "Today's paper has been published as normal, but may not have arrived at newspaper kiosks yet, which is also normal. It should be available for purchase within today".

Zhou said she had no knowledge of whether some sections may be missing in some cities or why.

In a show of continued resistance, the Southern Weekly republished a Monday editorial from the Communist Party mouthpiece the People's Daily, that said "the party's methods of controlling the media must move with the times".

In its interpretation of the People's Daily editorial, the Southern Weekly said the remaining reforms that need to be done are as difficult as "gnawing at bones".

"They need the protection and support of a moderate, rational and constructive media," the Southern Weekly said.

The drama at the Southern Weekly began late last week when reporters at the liberal paper accused censors of replacing a New Year letter to readers that called for a constitutional government with another piece lauding the party's achievements.

Reporters Without Borders, an advocacy group for journalists, denounced the censorship and called on Communist Party chief Xi Jinping, set to become president in March, to abolish political censorship.

The censorship turmoil at the Southern Weekly has also spread to another newspaper. Online accounts said Dai Zigeng, the publisher of the popular Beijing News daily, had announced his resignation on Wednesday after the newspaper resisted government pressure to republish an editorial criticizing the Southern Weekly.

(Additional reporting by Hui Li and Beijing Newsroom in Beijing, Anita Li in Shanghai, Writing by Sui-Lee Wee; Editing by Michael Perry)

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Reuters/worldNews/~3/c8DgWli2II8/us-china-censorship-idUSBRE90903O20130110

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ১০ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Nashville Recap: Wedding-Bell Blues

CONNIE BRITTON, HAYDEN PANETTIERELadies and gentlemen,?Nashville?s Rayna-Juliette tour is?on. But before the two country gals can hit the road, there are just a few little details to wrap up. Like Juliette yolking herself to one man for the rest of her life. And the paternity of Rayna?s elder daughter. Y?know, miniscule stuff. Elsewhere, Deacon?s in a weird place, and Scarlett vacillates between a very poor decision and a very good one. Turn your amplifiers up to 11, and let?s review the major developments of ?Be Careful of Stones That You Throw.?

MRS. SEAN BUTLER? | As the episode opens, Juliette is running quite late for a session to record ?Wrong Song? vocals with Rayna. Turns out, it?s because Sean apparently agreed to her candlelit proposal; they?ve wed, and she?s making short work of his chastity vow in the back of a limo. When she finally does arrive at the studio, she proudly flashes her diamond around. Glenn is shocked. ?Y?all should communicate better,? Rayna drawls. (Ha!) The ladies have a moment alone, and Juliette asks Rayna why she?s agreed to go on tour when she hates her. ?I only hate sunburns and hangovers. This is business,? Ms. Jaymes replies. When they?re done, Juju goes home? where she finds Sean and his highly ticked-off parents.

The Butlers have to accept their son?s choice, they realize, but they want a big church wedding in the very near future as a means of puting a patina of respectability on the whole ridiculous affair. Juliette acts like they?re trying to schedule brunch. ?I have to go on tour on Sunday,? she says, earning even more of Mama Butler?s ire. They all agree on Saturday, but Sean?s still not happy that he and his wife will spend exactly two days together in the next few months. Juliette assures him all will be well: ?We?re just gonna hook up when we can and sext in between, and we?ll be fine.? (If you guys are writing your own vows, Juliette, you might want to jot that down. It?s gold.)

Meanwhile, Sean?s mom is still giving Juju the stinkeye. I love when Juliette tries to claim victory by asserting her place in the Butler family, despite his mother saying it would never happen. ?Oh honey, eloping with my son is not the same thing,? her mother-in-law replies. Were Ju not holding a super cute studded clutch, she?d probably need both hands to pick her jaw up off the floor. She?s kicked again when ? at Sean?s urging (and isn?t it cute how he wants to go with her?) ? she visits Jolene in rehab. Juliette?s mom is looking markedly better than the last time we saw her, but with sobriety comes a clarity that Juliette doesn?t want focused on her. Too bad, lady. Jolene remarks that no marriage is going to be able to fill the sucking void in Juliette?s heart, and Juliette bitterly shoots back that her mom can?t stand to see her happy. ?And are you?? Jolene replies. Ouch.

The morning of the wedding, Juliette?s all dressed and just about ready to go to the church. Her assistant Emily is her maid of honor, and Glenn is going to walk her down the aisle. (P.S.: That is super sad, y?all.) Sean messengers over a cameo that his grandmother wore; he wants his bride to feel welcomed into the family by wearing it at the ceremony. As the church fills and Sean and his groomsmen file in, we see Juliette in the back of a limo by herself. And when the driver says, ?We?re here,? she takes off the necklace, exits the car? and walks toward the jet that?s waiting for her. I know we?ve known Sean for all of five minutes, and nothing about him is all that compelling, but is it weird that I felt really bad for him when I realized where she was?

DADDY ISSUES | Rayna?s not doing much better than her hubby-dumping duet partner. Teddy fights his wife?s desire to take the girls with her on tour, a move she says will get them away from their lying, stealing, possibly-cheating-even-though-he-denies-it-well-we?ll-just-see-about-that father. And when she decrees that Maddie and Daphne will accompany her, Lamar steps in with a big, ugly threat: ?It?d be a shame if Maddie would learn the truth about her real paternity.? There you have it, folks: The subtle hint that was raised in the pilot, now out in the open for everyone to see. Nicely played, Nashville. The threat backfires, though; when Teddy finds out that his father-in-law used his daughter?s emotional well-being as a poker chip, he goes off. (By the by, Teddy?s outburst about how he?s Maddie?s dad, no matter what, is pretty much the first time I?ve been able to stand him all season.) Rayna must be feeling me, because she and Teddy later talk about how they?re still in love but deeply unhappy, and she then agrees to leave the girls at home.

BREAKING UP THE BAND | At producer Dominic?s request, Avery splits from his band. It doesn?t go well. He then swings by the old place to give Scarlett his keys. He doesn?t know the awkwardness between her and Gunnar is killing their songwriting productivity, and she doesn?t know about his latest selfish act. He asks her for a hug, which leads to a kiss, and pretty soon they?re afterglowing on the couch. But when she finds out what he did to JT and the guys, she kicks him out all over again. Later on, after a little meet-up with JT, Scarlett sits in as lead singer so Avery?s former band doesn?t have to cancel its gig. She?s great, a fact her ex ? now in the studio, where Dominic is dissecting his song ? realizes while watching video of the event. The time on stage also helps Scarlett get her mojo back; she makes up with Gunnar and together they croon a new song.

IT GETS LONELY ON THE ROAD | While on tour with the Revel Kings, Deacon encounters a female music reporter with whom he used to be close. How close? She greets him with a kiss on the mouth, and they?re in the sack before you can say ?journalism ethics.? He?s on edge throughout the episode, and she calls him on it, but he refuses to engage. She also does us a great service by giving us a teeny piece of Deke?s backstory: Twice, she refers to ?Vince? and an ?accident,? making it sound like Deacon?s drinking was involved (and maybe to blame?). It?s interesting to note that Deacon?s hilarious reaction to the news that the Barnes/Jaymes tour is, indeed, happening (?Are you kidding me!??) is quickly followed by an inquiry about who?s playing lead guitar in the band.

Now it?s your turn. What did you think about the fact that Peggy?s storyline ? such a big deal in the previous episode ? was all but nonexistent this week? Were you well aware that Juliette wasn?t headed to the house of worship? And what are your theories on Deacon?s Vince and what happened to him? Sound off in the comments!

Source: http://tvline.com/2013/01/09/nashville-season-1-episode-9-recap/

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Live from the Engadget CES Stage: an interview with Myriad's Olivier Bartholot

We've invited Myriad VP Olivier Bartholot back to our stage for a second year to talk about the company's products like iOS-based Android emulator Alien Dalvik. Join us after the break for a piece of the action.

January 10, 2013 2:00 PM EST

Check out our full CES 2013 stage schedule here!

Continue reading Live from the Engadget CES Stage: an interview with Myriad's Olivier Bartholot


Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/10/myriad-interview/

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