মঙ্গলবার, ৩০ আগস্ট, ২০১১

Fast Web Formula 3 | Fast Step Internet Marketing

Last year, in September 2010, I decided to attend Fast Web Formula 2 in Sydney, and what a great move that was!

Although it meant traveling to the other side of the world for it, the content was Gold - pure Gold? ? and that was just the presentations.

With three days to network and chat to experts in their respective fields too, the value of attending was enormous.

This year?s Fast Web Formula 3 event is being held on the Sunshine Coast in Australia at the end of October 2011 ? and I?ve already booked my seat!

If you?ve never heard of Fast Web Formula, it?s a live Internet Marketing workshop run by James Schramko, a well respected Australian Internet Marketer who has grown a multi-million dollar internet business from scratch over the last 5 years.

If you?re an online entrepreneur, internet marketer, small business owner looking to maximise use of the internet, or are otherwise looking to develop and grow an internet marketing based business, be assured that James?s Fast Web Formula events are historic!


Who is James Schramko?

When I first started developing websites for adsense and affiliate marketing, James came to my attention as someone who knew his stuff. Not just regarding things like SEO and generating traffic to websites (although he is phenomenally good at that) but also in the implementation of Internet Marketing in the wider context of business.

One of his videos was called It?s not about the Website ? which reinforces the core concept that it doesn?t matter how pretty your website is ? if it doesn?t address the needs of a market, then it?s not going to be effective.

I?ve been a member of James?s internet coaching forum for a long time now, and gain considerable benefit from that. It?s a paid subscription membership forum where queries on all sorts of topics from newbie (and advanced!) technical issues and ?how-to? queries through to internet marketing business models and strategies etc etc are asked.

Stuff like using WordPress, domain name advice, keyword research techniques and advice, local business consulting, SEO, article marketing techniques, traffic generation, RSS, PPC, affiliate marketing, CPA, using social media, offline consulting, converting traffic to buyers, etc etc?

And, more importantly, they get answered by experts who know their stuff. Because it?s paid, you don?t get ignored and you don?t get fluff!

So, back to Fast Web Formula?.


Fast Web Formula 1

The first Fast Web Formula event was in March 2010 ? and I couldn?t make it!? Just couldn?t ? Arrgh!

That was a three day event that covered internet business models and marketing, traffic generation methods, writing effective copy, converting traffic and more.

As well as content from James Schramko, it included guest presenters like Kyle Tully on local business consulting, Peter Parks on affiliate marketing, Dean Hunt on creative marketing techniques, Steve Ovens an SEO specialist and Kerry Finch on writing content for effective SEO.

I missed the event, but I bought the Fast Web Formula 1 DVD set of the recording of the event ? and it was full of good stuff.


Fast Web Formula 2

The second Fast Web Formula event was in September 2010 ? that one I did make.

Three days of presentations from around 20 experts.

Each one was superb content in its own right. Not all of them directly applied to my own business model, but many did, and they hit lots of nails right on the head with pure Gold content as far as I was concerned.

The presentations on Affiliate marketing, WordPress, SEO, PPC Adwords, Writing Sales Copy, Keyword Research and website design all provided a constant stream of top quality content, tips, advice and the occasional nugget!

And as much as the content was great, the chance to network and meet with the presenters and other attendees outside of the sessions themselves and discuss methods, techniques and strategies was just invaluable.

Twenty minutes spent talking to someone who has made millions of dollars from affiliate sales, or someone that knows SEO inside out are opportunities not to be missed?. especially when they also happen to be a genuinely nice people too!!


Fast Web Formula 2 Content

Here?s some of the things that were covered in the 3 days:

Superstar Affiliate Marketing Whizz Andy Grand (he?s in the Clickbank top 100 Affiliates) showed how to position yourself in front of the right market using a super effective technique and how to review products the best way for maximum return. Possibly the highlight of the event for me.

Ben Strickland?from the developers of the leading keyword research tool Market Samurai showed how to develop a keyword strategy for a site in terms of traffic and competition levels for keywords.

Steve Ovens is an SEO guru and discussed SEO techniques and strategies to overcome competition ? invaluable!

Mike Rhodes, an ex-Brit who lives in Australia, is a PPC (Pay-Per-Click) expert and showed how to effectively use the Content (Display) Network.?Solid content from a very knowledgeable guy.

James Dyson, another Brit, graphics expert and developer of the impressive OptimizePress WordPress theme talked about what works on sites for better conversions, higher opt-ins and more.

John Carlton, copyrighting legend. An entertaining and highly interactive presentation that isn?t for shrinking violets and the faint-hearted. John cuts to the chase to get you thinking about what you?re actually selling and how to start getting that message across by understanding your customer.

Not my main thing, but Kyle Tully really showed he knows his stuff on local business online and offline consultancy. If you?re interested in providing online services to local business, this was fascinating.

Video is getting bigger and bigger online. Google own YouTube and so guess what powers the YouTube search engine! As well as showing how to produce good video, Steve and Pam Brossman show how to optimise a YouTube channel and video content for great results.

There was content from Dave Jenyns, Kenny Goodman and Simon Johnson on domains and site flipping; from Kerry Finch on writing SEO optimised articles and Press Releases and how to promote them effectively; from Leanne King ? the WordPress Queen on building WordPress Authority sites; Peter Parks on Web2.0 properties; Dean Hunt on social media marketing techniques and more?.

Fast Web Formula 2 Presenters? and there were some big name presenters too? like Yaro Starek ? Entrepreneur Blogging legend, Ed Dale ? on market leadership, and Brian Johnson from Strategic Profits

It was a collection of 20 top division experts at the leading edge in their respective fields, in one place, together.

No sales pitches (although some had event special offers available to peruse for the 3 days), no hype, just content, content, content?..


Fast Web Formula 3

So to this year?s event ? Fast Web Formula 3 is set to run over 28, 29, 30 October? 2011 in Caloundra on the Sunshine Coast in Australia (about 1hr north of Brisbane).

Unlike many hyped-up internet marketing events, this one does not cost several thousand dollars and it wont be a pitch-fest that delivers little real value (well the last one wasn?t so I don?t expect this will be either). If it?s anything like Fast Web Formula 1 and 2, it?ll just be good content.


Fast Web Formula Bonuses

Included in the ticket price is:

  • 3 day ticket to the Live Fast Web Formula 3 Event in Caloundra ? 28, 29, 30 October 2011
  • Bonus ? Entire Fast Web Formula 1 video content
    (streaming video inside a special FWF membership area)
  • Bonus ? 60 day trial access to James?s internet coaching forum that I mentioned above
    (strictly for new members only).
  • Bonus ? There is also an early bird discount available until August 31st.
  • ? and a hoodie !


Once again, the speakers are top-notch and several are back for their second or third time as presenters.

Rather than detail them all here (this post is getting long enough!) I suggest you click below to find out more about FastWebFormula3

There you will find a fascinating introductory video, details of the presenters, the content, cost and lots of other details about the event.

To see if it?s right for you, click here to check out Fast Web Formula 3!


Source: http://www.faststepinternetmarketing.com/internet-marketing/fast-web-formula-an-internet-marketing-event/

halloween more vat ernest hemingway act 6 zoe

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