বৃহস্পতিবার, ২০ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

Mitt Romney, Rick Perry Really Dislike One Another

No offense to Herman Cain, but it looked like Mitt Romney and Rick Perry were the only two serious candidates for president at last night's Republican debate.

At least from the way they treated one another.

Perry, the Texas governor, has fallen in the polls of late with Cain emerging as a more conservative alternative Romney, the former Massachusetts governor.

But while Cain still got plenty of attention Tuesday in Las Vegas, exchanges between Perry and Romney over immigration and health care dominated the night.

Personal exchanges that devolved into the kind of vitriolic attacks normally reserved for a general election ... or a bar fight. Watch one "highlight" below:

Perry clearly knocked the normally unflappable Mitt off his game, but it remains to be seen whether this helps lift his own standing or lowers Romney's.

Either way, another great episode of the best reality show on TV.

Who got the best of this exchange?

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2011/10/mitt-romney-rick-perry-really-dislike-one-another/

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