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How to Get Help in Your Retail Business ? Laurel Tielis

Laurel Tielis

While the use of many four-letter words has become more common, both in the business world and in people?s home lives, ?help? is one that isn?t used often enough.

?I need help? is something most of us are reluctant to say. But clients, customers, contacts, and connections? are not only willing to help,?for the most part, they?re eager to assist. Helping others is a great way for us to feel good about ourselves.

If, for example, you need help finding seasonal employees for the holidays, or interns to? contribute to your store?s growth while they learn about business, these are the people you should reach out to first.

Take These Steps to Bring in More Help

Start by reaching out to your customer advisory board for people they know?they?re familiar with your business and show they wish it well by their ongoing support. Then, create customer engagement by turning to your e-mail contacts for advice and suggestions on the kind of help you need in your store and the best people to provide it.

Put the word out as well through social media?Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other sites you work with. Especially now, when so many people are unemployed or underemployed, you should receive a plethora of temporary staff recommendations.

Here?s How to Make it Sticky

To make it more fun, and stickier for your business, you can also involve all of the people to whom you?ve reached out, in the selection and hiring process. No, not by a vote or a poll, but rather by planning an event or a party and inviting them, as well as the job candidates. This will give you a great opportunity to see how someone you?re thinking about hiring interacts with others.

Get hopping, since this is a great time to do it. Labor Day is just a memory, and Halloween is in the future. Keep it simple. You can plan a presentation, or let people know you?re hosting a wine and cheese (or sparkling cider) gathering some evening, or a coffee and cake get-together one morning.

Are you mining your contacts for the help you need? Are you getting the assistance that will best benefit your business? Help is available.

If you want more ideas about bringing in business, I can help. I?ve been a retail reporter at Women?s Wear Daily and Home Furnishings News, a columnist at the Miami Herald and a correspondent at People magazine.

I?ve also handled the marketing and public relations at major corporations and small businesses. Need a speaker or a consultant? Connect with me at LinkedIn, or follow me on Twitter @laureltielis.

You can also get in touch at Ask Laurel (one word) at laureltielis.com. For easy and effective ways to bring in more business, read Ka-Ching! How to Ring Up More Sales.

Copyright ? 2011 Laurel Tielis

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Source: http://laureltielis.com/2011/09/15/need-help-in-your-retail-business-heres-how-to-get-it/

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